Lava Z10 Phone Lock Reset by Miracle Thunder

Lava Z10 Phone Lock Reset by Miracle Thunder

Miracle Thunder Work Log’s :

Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Definition Applied
you can Set Formatting Addr
Waiting for USB Port…
Unstable comport
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Definition Applied
you can Set Formatting Addr
Waiting for USB Port…
Set MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM6)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6735 SW:0000 Ver: CB00
Downloading Boot8 …
EMMC Size: 0x03AB400000
Flash Type: EMMC
INT/EXT RAM Size: 0x20000/0x80000000
Formatting Nand Flash…
Format Satrt Addr£º0x6A00000, Size: 0x100000
Format Satrt Addr£º0x144001000, Size: 0x2000000
Format nand OK(Android Need to wait a few minutes the phone is switched)

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